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Zeoli Show Log 12.13.14

On today's show, Rich discussed Russian hacking, Rick Perry's nomination to be Energy Secretary and the Republican walk of shame at Trump Tower. At 3:30pm US Senator Rand Paul joined the show and talked about Trump's pick for Secretary of State. At 4:30pm former PA Governor Ed Rendell called into the show to chat about Trump's proposed infrastructure rebuild. At 5:30pm General Counsel for the Republican Party Lawrence Tabas checked in to discuss Jill Stein's failed recount effort in PA.

News, Politics and Entertainment with The Chris Stigall Show | December 12

Chris discussed Donald Trump's response to Russians hacking the election, Kellyanne Conway's participation in the Hamilton parade and the nuclear option. Chris spoke with Michael Bronstein and Colin Hanna during the Monday Morning Matchup about the future of the Democratic party and the makeup of Congress at 7:00. He also spoke with Dom Giordano regarding his upcoming, Holiday Feast at 7:35. At 8:00, Chris spoke with Ike Reese regarding the Eagles loss to the Redskins.

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