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The Dom Giordano Show: Geraldo Rivera and Senator Rand Paul | July 20

Dom discussed President Trump criticizing Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Senator John McCain diagnosed with brain cancer, the President of the AFT slams Education Secretary DeVos, too much beach spreading at the Jersey Shore. At 9:35, Geraldo Rivera joined discussing the parole hearing today for O.J. Simpson. At 11:35, Senator Rand Paul joined discussing the future of healthcare and President Trump's criticisms of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. 

The Dom Giordano Show: JD Mullane, Ed Preston & Colonel Allen West | July 13

Dom discussed President Trump's interview with Pat Robertson, Congressman Stephen Miller working on a bill to curb legal immigration, human remains found in Bucks County missing teens case, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos meeting with Men's rights group on campus sexual assault and Europe's leaders being childless. At 10, JD Mullane of the Bucks County Courier Times, joined discussing the discovery of human remains in Solebury Township in the case of the 4 missing teens. At 10:35, Ed Preston joined discussing the Vietnam Wall coming to Bucks County. At 11, Colonel Allen West joined discussing the fight against ISIS and the Russian meeting with Donald Trump Jr. 

The Dom Giordano Show: Cliff Maloney Jr., Dr. Sebastian Gorka & JD Mullane | July 12

Dom discussed Don Trump Jr's meeting with a Russian lawyer, the missing teens in Bucks County and the Senate vote on healthcare next week. At 9:45, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, joined discussing the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer and the ISIS leader, Al-Baghdadi killed in combat. At 10, Cliff Maloney Jr. from Young Americans for Liberty joined discussing the fight for free speech on campuses. At 10:35, JD Mullane joined discussing the 4 missing teenagers in Bucks County.

The Dom Giordano Show: Attorney General Josh Shapiro, Burns Davison & Jake Tapper | July 10

Dom discussed a noose being placed around Rittenhouse Square over the weekend, President Trump thinking to partner with Russia on cyber security. At 10, Attorney General, Josh Shapiro, joined discussing Pennsylvania's fight against the opioid epidemic. At 10:35, Burns Davison, Rule & Compliance Chair of South Carolina Youth Soccer Association, joined discussing the new rule to keep parents quiet during games. At 11, Jake Tapper of CNN joined discussing the news of the day.

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