Zeoli Show Log 4.21.15
3:02pm- The Supreme Court ruled on Rodriguez v. United States.
3:05pm- Rand Paul called John McCain and Lindsey Graham "lapdogs for President Obama."
3:13pm- Representative Adam Schiff believes "death to america" chants in Iran could mean several different things.
3:22pm- Kraft Macaroni & Cheese will no longer be bright orange.
3:34pm- According to Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, fewer minorities want careers as police officers.
4:02pm- Cincinnati Reds manager Bryan Price dropped 77 f-bombs in 5 and a half minutes during a press conference.
4:12pm- Chris Christie may be shifting focus from Iowa to New Hampshire.
4:18pm- TSA employees will now be subjected to more thorough security checks.
4:34pm- Rich is joined by Dennis Hof and Krissy Summers from the Moonlite Bunny Ranch. The two talk about why they are endorsing Hillary Clinton.
5:04pm- The Phillies will honor Jackie Robinson at tonight's game.
5:17pm- Jeb Bush called the NSA the best thing the Obama's Administration has done.
5:41pm- A reporter clashed with State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf.
5:49pm- The Mayfair tire slasher was forced to sell his house.
5:51pm- A bride plays Metallica at her wedding.