Zeoli Show Log 10.23.15
3pm - Did the Benghazi hearings hurt or help Hillary Clinton?
3:40pm - Cheese isn't exactly 'healthy'.
3:43pm - The Justice Department determines no criminal charges in IRS probe.
3:50pm - Hillary cackles during the Benghazi hearing.
4pm - Assemblyman Moriarty discussed a new legislation inspired by a cancer patient's plight with driver's license renewal.
4:15pm -If you could go back in time, would you kill Baby Hitler?
4:35pm - The Porn-gate update.
4:50pm - Offensive Halloween costumes.
5pm - The Philadelphia 76ers tweet about John Kasich's low poll numbers.
5:10pm - The decline of Jeb Bush.
5:25pm - CNN's Jeffrey Toobin Suggests Chris Stevens' 'Risky Behavior' Was Responsible For His Death.
5:27pm - Facebook post can lead to a legal campaign contribution.
5:30pm - Back to the Future predicts 9/11.
5:50pm - Bride gives Christian 'certificate of purity' to prove virginity