3pm- While speaking before the National Association of Manufacturers in Washington D.C., Donald Trump spoke about the importance of tax reform legislation and Puerto Rico's recovery following Hurricane Maria. 3:50pm- According to the U.S. Board of Elections, a database error led to Jared Kushner being registered to vote as a woman. 4:05pm- While on MSNBC, Meet the Press host Chuck Todd stated that Alabama Senatorial Candidate Judge Roy Moore does not understand the U.S. Constitution. 4:45pm- In-light of his controversial decision to fly in private planes at the expense of tax payers, Tom Price has resigned as Secretary of Health and Human Services. 5pm- A Massachusetts school librarian rejected a book donation from First Lady Melania Trump claiming that the donated Dr. Seuss books promoted systemic racism. 5:30pm- According to reports, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board lost over $114 million in the 2017 fiscal year. 5:40pm- At UC Riverside, an angry student swiped a Make America Great Again hat and refused to return it to its owner while continuously screaming about genocide.