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Zeoli Show Log 09.22.16

3pm - Charlotte police chief: Shooting video won't be made public

3:20pm - Hillary Clinton: "We Have Two Names To Add To The Long List Of African Americans Killed By Police," "Unbearable"

3:25pm - 'You Wanna Make a F*cking Fabricated Story!': Charlotte Protester Confronts Fox Reporter

3:28pm - Charlotte Protesters Confront CNN Camera Crew ' Fcking Liars

3:35pm - Spending Bill Seems Likely to Take Up Ted Cruz's Fight Over Internet Directory

3:40pm - Donald Trump Embraces Wider Use of Stop-and-Frisk by Police

4pm - Hillary Asks "Why Aren't I 50 Points Ahead" In The Polls?

4:20pm - New York Bomb Suspect Allegedly Built Devices in Plain View

4:30pm - Tickets for drivers drinking coffee? N.J. lawmakers discussing it today

5pm - Donald Trump stops at Geno's Steaks in Philadelphia

5:10pm - A Deadpan Hillary Clinton Visits 'Between Two Ferns'

5:20pm - Rich spoke with  Former Clinton Strategist Dick Morris regarding the shootings of Black men in Charlotte and Tulsa, the Presidential election and more.

5:35pm - Trump Responds to Terrence Crutcher Shooting: Maybe the Cop Shouldn't be a Cop

5:40pm - Offended Cornell Students Freak Out After Football Coach Tweets Sombrero Picture

5:50pm -

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