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Zeoli Show Log 08.18.17

3pm- According to reports, Steve Bannon and Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly mutually agreed that today would be Bannon's last day as White House Chief Strategist. Bannon is expected to return to Breitbart.

3:10pm- Vice Editor Wilbert L. Cooper wrote a piece arguing that, do to the flaws of the men being featured, the presidential monument emblazoned on Mount Rushmore should be removed.

3:20pm- Former I.T. aid to Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Imran Awan, has been indicted on charges that include bank fraud, making false statements, and conspiracy. 

3:35pm- In an article posted on the Independent, the website argues that President Donald Trump could be just six Senate votes away from being impeached.

4pm- Marian L. Tupy, from the Cato Institute, joins the show to talk about his new article featured on, "Life Under Communism Was No Liberation For Women."

4:25pm- Uber sent its customers a marketing email denouncing Nazism and stating that the Uber community needs to stand together against hatred.

4:35pm- Comedian Jim Breuer joins the show to talk about his upcoming appearance at Valley Forge Casino. 

5pm- While speaking before the Los Angeles Community Review Board, Congresswoman Maxine Waters accused Dr. Ben Carson of being a white nationalist. 

5:35pm- Comedian and radio personality Anthony Cumia checks in to talk about current events and how he managed to get himself banned from Twitter. 

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