Zeoli Show Log 08.14.15
3pm - There's a new Pope Francis inspired beer.
3:05pm - American flag raised in Cuba.
3:20pm - John Kerry reopens U.S. Embassy in Cuba.
3:30pm - How old is too old to be a parent?
4pm - Gov. Martin O'Malley wants to be heard.
4:15pm - The Clinton's Hampton's rental.
4:20pm - Is it safe to use DEET and other harsh chemicals?
4:30pm - The economy is fueled by mosquito prevention.
5pm - Marine nailed for secret emails.
5:05pm - UberX driver accused of rape.
5:10pm - Carly Fiorina's stance on vaccines
5:15pm - Gov. Chris Christie goes after Trump.
5:20pm - Will you see Straight Outta Compton?
5:30pm - Christine Flowers discussed her new article, Kane Lays Blame.