Zeoli Show Log 08.13.15
3pm - Breakfast is bad for you.
3:05pm - Hillary Clinton requested a book specializing in deleting e-mails.
3:20pm - The Democrats are in panic mode.
3:40PM - Updated on EPA spill.
3:45pm - The Battle of & David Lee Roth and Sammy Hagar.
3:50pm - Updates on the Pope's visit.
3:52pm - Rand Paul impression of Donald Trump.
4pm - Ask The Doctor: Dr. Mazz discussed an Uber form of healthcare and a woman sues the government after getting pregnant.
4:30pm - Gov. Ed Rendell discussed Kathleen Kane's response to the charges, Hillary Clinton's email and Fantasy Football.
5:15pm - Do you or do you not refrigerate tomatoes?
5:20pm - Sesame Street moves to HBO.
5:25pm - Ben Carson isn't exactly objective about Planned Parenthood.
5:30pm - Louisiana man accused of committing a hate crime for ripping down a sign at an abortion clinic.
5:35pm - Billy Joel concert tonight at Citizens Bank Park.
5:40pm - New Jersey announces transit plans for Pope.