Zeoli Show Log 08.03.15
3pm - Philly's reputation ruined after death of Robot.
3:05pm - Starbucks' Howard Schultz urged to run for President.
3:10pm -Debbie Wasserman Schultz can't explain difference between Democrats and Socialists.
3:15pm - Chris Matthews Slams Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
3:20pm - Philly tech community rallies around HitchBOT.
3:25pm - Jericho the Lion is still alive.
3:30pm -Republican Debate Participants.
3:40pm - Josh Earnest asked if President Obama would support Joe Biden.
3:45pm - Breaking News: Surveillance video of HitchBOT's murder released.
4pm - La Salle University Professor Bill Weaver discussed social media mobs.
4:10pm - Individuals harass 80 year old man with the same name of Cecil The Lion's murderer.
4:15pm - Have you ever helped a hitchhiker?
4:50pm - Chip Kelly accused of being a racist, again?
5pm - Professor Eugene O'Donnell from Department of Law and Police Science at The John Jay College of Criminal Justice discussed the complexities of traffic stops.
5:30pm -Navy official not ruled out on facing charges after firing at Chattanooga gunman.
5:40pm - Rich The Deadhead
5:45pm - Caitlyn Jenner criticized for being a Republican.