Zeoli Show Log 04.24.17
3pm- Donald Trump continues to struggle with his approval rating but are the polls accurate?
3:20pm- President Donald Trump referred to North Korea as a "real threat."
3:50pm- 39,000 hotel rooms are expected to be filled in Philadelphia during this week's NFL Draft.
4:05pm- President Trump continues to target and repeal overbearing regulations.
4:20pm- Mumia Abdul Jamal, a convicted cop killer, is attempting to appeal his sentence.
4:50pm- 22 people were arrested at "pot party" in Frankford on Saturday night.
5:15pm- Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean claims that hate speech is not protected by the 1st Amendment.
5:25pm- Donald Trump says that he doesn't watch MSNBC's Morning Joe.
5:40pm- Bill Nye the Science Guy attacked CNN for allowing a climate change skeptic to speak on TV.