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You Can Help PSPCA Name Their New Baby Donkey

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) –  A baby donkey was born at the Pennsylvania SPCA in Hunting Park earlier this week, and the public can vote on a name for the foal while helping to help raise money for his care.

Early Sunday morning, Sadie, a mini-donkey, gave birth to a foal. Her baby was born in just 20 minutes.

Sadie was rescued by the PSPCA's Humane Law Enforcement officers with another mini-donkey, Romeo, from a farm in Huntington County in January.

Along with a cow, a goat, chickens, roosters and two beagles, Sadie and Romeo had been left starving, according to the PSPCA.

Concerned neighbors called an animal cruelty hotline and officers responded.

Upon medical examination, it was revealed that Sadie was pregnant.

The PSPCA says a donkey's gestation period is 11-14 months, so they were unsure when she would give birth.

Pennsylvania SPCA's Gillian Kocher.

"You know everybody remembers April the giraffe it took a long time for us too," she said. "And we were all excited when this long awaited arrival happened."

Kocher says the baby needed two blood transfusions so far.

"So likely due to Sadie's neglect early on the baby needed some blood transfusions, so due to that we are raising some funds," she said.

The PSPCA says the baby will need supplemental feedings and more medical procedures, but they are confident he will grow up to be a "beautiful, healthy boy."

They say there is only one thing left to do – name him.

The PSPCA's supporters and staff have offered a few suggestions and they compiled a list of their favorites.

To help raise funds for the baby donkey's medical care, the PSPCA is asking for a $5 donation per vote.

The choices are: Lil' Sebastian, Georgie, Van, J.R. (Romeo, Jr.) and Lucky.

To vote for your favorite name, click here.

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