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Women At Risk: Male Students at Temple Univ. Walk a Mile In Their Shoes

By Hadas Kuznits

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Hundreds of young men today walked a mile wearing high heels, to raise awareness for a good cause.

Temple University freshman James McHale was one of several hundred participants taking part in the school's fourth annual "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" event.

(Kuznits:)  "I see you're hobbling a little bit."

(McHale:)  "I am.  Hobbling a lot, actually, with these four-inch heels on."

(Kuznits:)  "And you're sweating!"

(McHale:)  "I am.  That was the longest mile of my life."


The goal was to raise awareness about sexual assaults, sexual violence, and the street harassment of women.

McHale says he didn't think it the one-mile walk was going to be that hard.

"Honestly, I didn't think it was going to be that hard at all," he told KYW Newsradio.  "I was saying to myself as I was walking, how do women do this? All for fashion.  It must be punishment."

McHale says the event gave him a bit of perspective on what it would be like to be vulnerable and solicited on the street.

"I'd be scared to death to be walking around North Philadelphia like that," he said.  "I mean, you can't run for anything.  I can barely walk, let alone run.  I don't know how you do it."


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