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Where Is Winter?

By Justin Drabick

Is does not look or feel much like Christmas today. Temperatures this month have not felt much like December either. Average highs during the month are supposed to be in the 40s.

So far this month, we have had 5 days in the 60s and 10 days in the 50s. Only one day so far had a high in the 30s. That's pretty impressive! With only a few days left this month, I don't see any signs of harsh arctic air cold spell.

Average highs right now should be in the low 40s, but it looks like we will be above average through the rest on the year into the New Year. As of now, the overall average monthly temperature (highs and lows combined) are more than 5 degrees above the average.

That is warm!!! The reason for the milder air is the weather pattern is influenced by La Nina. Most of the storms have been tracking west of the Delaware valley, which keeps us on the warmer side of the storm.

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