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Weather: Drastic Temperature Swing, Snow Could Hit This Week

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Some drastic swings in the weather are on the way, but first one bit of good news - most of the rain has moved out! After two soggy days to start 2017, we'll see the last of the wet weather push out overnight. It'll still be damp and foggy through the first part of Wednesday morning, but skies will eventually clear, leading to a windy but mild Wednesday with highs in the 50's.

But the warmth will not last.

Starting on Thursday, a push of cold air from the north will invade. While Thursday's high of 38 is actually pretty normal for the time of year, it's only going to get colder as we head toward the weekend as we tap into some cold Canadian air to the north and west.


Highs on Saturday and Sunday will not pass 30 degrees - many spots will stay in the 20's both days - and morning lows both weekend days will be in the teens. The winds pick up on Sunday as well, leading to bitter wind chills.

There are also a couple of chances for snow in the forecast, especially in one specific part of our region - the coastal areas. On Friday morning, a weak disturbance will roll through the area and could produce light snow for many of us, though the latest information indicates that areas south and east of Philadelphia will have the greatest chance at some light accumulations.

The system may briefly intensify as it moves offshore, leading to the potential for an inch or so along the coast.

Then on Saturday, we're watching a system that will cut across the southeast, bringing the potential for snow there. One model hints that this system may brush the coast with another round of light snow as it moves offshore Saturday, but that's a low confidence call for now. We'll keep an eye on it, but the weekend looks dry inland.

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