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Weather Blog: First Snow Of The Season?

By Justin Drabick

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- After the warmest December on record, January is starting to show more signs of Winter.  Today, we had our second shot of arctic air of the season, and will continue to happen more frequently with the weather pattern we are in.  While, some areas have had a trace of snow this season, Philadelphia has not.  With no snow again today, we are now tied for the 10th latest day in the season without measurable snow.  The latest day in the season for measurable snow is February 3rd.  However, this is the longest we have went without a trace of snow, but that streak may end tomorrow.

A typical mid-Winter weather pattern has set up over the Northeast, as the jet stream has dropped to our south allowing for cold arctic air to move in.  A fast moving clipper system with little moisture will pass through our region late in the day on Tuesday.  Expect the chance for some rain and snow showers late in the afternoon and early evening.  Temperatures should remain above freezing so no accumulation is expected around Philly, so the streak of no measureable snow will likely continue.  Behind this system, another round of arctic air will arrive Tuesday night with highs on Wednesday well below average in the low 30s.

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