Warm Winter Day Brings People To The Park
by Hadas Kuznitz
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- An unusually unseasonable day in February beckoned folks outdoors on Friday.
Rittenhouse Square Park was packed like a Spring or Summer day as folks took advantage of this beautiful day in February.
Some might even describe this as 'hookey playing weather.'
"I'm a student in Center City and I had class, I decided to skip it because I was reading outside and I was like, well, I have to go to the park instead!"
There were a lot of smiling faces out, and people say this weather definitely leaves them in a good mood.
"It always nice to see the sun and a clear sky is nice, and it's nice to get out of the office, quite honestly -- and it's Friday! So, it makes me happy."
But with this being Philly of course, you have to take advantage of the weather while you can since you never know what tomorrow will bring.