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Vape Shops Popping Up As Popularity Of Electronic Cigarettes Rises

By Paul Kurtz

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - The growing popularity of e-cigarettes has given rise to a new cottage industry -- vape shops.

Fishtown Vapes on Frankford Avenue is one of a number of vape shops that have recently popped up in Philly. Owner Anthony Fanelli believes there's a lot more to come as word spreads about e-cigarettes.

"In the past year and a half, two years it's just been booming. People realizing that it's cheaper and a better alternative to smoking."

A typical vape shop offers everything from starter kits to high-end models along with a large assortment of accessories and flavor blends. Fanelli says they also try to put out a welcoming vibe.

"We have the bar where you can sit and test your products that you purchased. You can hang out in the lounge and play Call of Duty. We have a couple of TV's, always something going on."

Some industry analysts estimated the vape industry is worth more than two billion dollars.

Boom times right now but vape shop owners are paying close attention to government regulators such as the FDA and local lawmakers. Last month City Council banned vaping in public places.


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