United With Ukraine Holds Peaceful Demonstration In Havertown In Solidarity With Ukrainians
HAVERTOWN, Pa. (CBS) -- Support is growing in the Delaware Valley for the people of Ukraine. The group United With Ukraine held a peaceful demonstration in Havertown on Thursday night.
Performances of both the United States and the Ukrainian national anthems kicked off the United With Ukraine event in Havertown.
Neighbors gathered to raise money, share music and listen to speakers, all as a sign of solidarity with and a show of support for Ukrainians.
"These are people who love each other and love other people," 6th Ward Commissioner Larry Holmes said.
"I grew up in Havertown so these are the best people in the world," Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer said.
The honorary consul of Ukraine was on-hand, sharing her gratitude for the event and all those who showed up.
"I thank you very, very much for organizing this event, for supporting Ukraine in general," Iryna Mazur said. "And I just want to ask you one thing, keep doing what you're doing."
The atrocities being perpetrated by Russia to the free citizens of a sovereign nation also serve as a reminder.
"Frankly, for all of the talk in the last of two years of tyranny here in America and people being forced by the government to do things," Holmes said, "this is a reminder to us what real tyranny is."
"The Chinese and the Russians both want to end our way of life," Stollsteimer said. "They don't believe in the same freedoms we do. So I think you're beginning to see a fire build here in Havertown and hopefully across the world."
But also an immense source of pride.
Thursday's event will not stop the war and most Ukrainians affected by the war will never see what happened here, but it does show, in some small way, that the people here care and they're doing what they can to help.