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Tweeting Our Lives Away

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Tweeting has become a part of our vocabulary and that may be an indication of how this kind of social networking is changing the way we relate to each other.

Woman: "Like, I don't get any phone calls anymore! Everybody just wants to send me a tweet instead of just calling me or even texting me!"

But is it too much?

"It gets to the point where, 'I'm sitting down, I'm having lunch now, I'm finished lunch, I'm going to work,' it's a lot more information than anyone needs to know."

Butch Dougherty with Iovine Produce at Reading Terminal Market is in charge of all the social networking for his business.

Hadas Kuznits: "And you ware the resident twitterer for the store?"

Dougherty: "I am the twitterer, yes. I like the idea of passing information forward, something that people would need."

Dougherty says there might be too much information to sift through on Twitter but he finds it fascinating that this type of communication has taken off so quickly:

"Twittering and tweeting in general, it's a trend that's not going to go away in a year so I guess I'm more curious as to see how it develops and to see what form it takes on."

Reported by: Hadas Kuznits, KYW Newsradio

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