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Transplant Games: Love Bloomed When They Met As Fellow Recipients

By Jim Melwert

HOUSTON, Tex. (CBS) -- This is the final day of competition at the Transplant Games of America, and today we found a tale of true love on the volleyball court.

Adrian Nitkowski got a liver in 1998, and that same year he got involved with Gift of Life and Team Philly.

He says the Transplant Games will always hold a special place for him.

"In '98 I met my wife," he recalls.  "She's a heart transplant recipient, and that's where we met.  And we got married in 2001."

He says it's extra special to come back to the games every other year.

"She's been healthy and I've been healthy, so we're really blessed, you know?  Gift of Life has really helped us more than most," he says.

KYW Newsradio's Jim Melwert is competing with Team Philly in the Transplant Games as a living kidney donor.  Read all his coverage here.

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