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'These Men And Women Gave The Ultimate Sacrifice': Memorial Day Ceremony Held At Philadelphia's Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) --On Memorial Day, many people took time to pay tribute to the men and women who lost their lives in the line of duty. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington Square is one of the most popular destinations on Memorial Day.

"Remembrance and gratitude for so many people that have been in the armed forces," said Gerald Hinton.

Visitors laid flowers at the tomb throughout the day, remembering those brave soldiers who never made it home.

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"Just to show that we remember them and we thank them for everything they've done," said veteran Charles Ochoa.

Ochoa is from Dallas, Texas and completed two tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan during six years of service. In 2007, a bomb ripped apart Ochoa's convoy vehicle.

The Purple Heart recipient says he required 35 surgeries to fix his jaw.

"The bravery of happiness that people are willing to put their lives on the line. These men and women gave the ultimate sacrifice they gave their lives," he said.

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Noah Lewis led demonstrations honoring the fallen.

"You show me a country that forgets and is not thankful and I'll show you a counter that's not long to be around," said Lewis. "It's easy to see what's going on in our nation sometimes and to take the spirit of what's the use? But when you see people doing this it really bumps up the spirit."

His father served in Korea during World War II and without his father's service, he says he would not be the man he ended up becoming.

CBS3'S Dan Koob reports.

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