National Sexual Assault Hotline Sees 57 Percent Spike In Calls After Kavanaugh Allegations
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PHILADELPHIA (CNN) -- There are plenty of reasons why sexual assault victims stay silent about their abuse. But there's a catalyst that spurs many to come forward.
When one person alleging sex assault faces the glare of the national spotlight, many more speak out in private.
That's what staffers keep noticing at the RAINN -- the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. The nonprofit runs the National Sexual Assault Hotline, where calls have spiked since professor Christine Blasey Ford publicly accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of assault. (Kavanaugh has vehemently denied the claim.)
"This past weekend, there was a 57 percent uptick in calls to the National Sexual Assault Hotline from Friday to Sunday compared to an average Friday to Sunday," RAINN Press Secretary Sara McGovern told CNN.
"We often see an increase in calls when sexual assault stories are in the news. For example, following the (Harvey) Weinstein case and the #MeToo movement, the Hotline saw a 46 percent increase," McGovern said.
In fact, since the #MeToo movement spread across the country almost a year ago, "the demand for RAINN's services has been off the charts," McGovern said.
"Our victim service programs went from helping about 15,000 victims per month to helping about 22,000 per month," she said.
But because the hotline is confidential and anonymous, McGovern said she can't provide details on the calls themselves.
She said abuse victims or anyone struggling with news about sexual violence can find help by calling the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE or visiting
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