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Temple Students Taking Up On-Street Parking Spurs City Council Action

By Mike Dunn

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - City Council this coming week is expected to give final approval to a measure that attempts to reign in a long-running issue in the area around Temple University: students taking up on-street parking spaces.

City Council President Darrell Clarke, whose district includes the Temple campus, has gotten an earful over the years from nearby residents who are furious that students are clogging up parking.

Clarke says it's getting worse. "With a significant increase in student housing -- and yes, students do bring cars -- we know that there are very difficult times for residents who live in that area with their inability to find parking."

So, Clarke has devised new regulations that would force some new student housing developments to have a certain number of off-street spaces.

"So, we're requiring that above a certain level, that those developers provide off-street parking, to not continue the existing problem as it relates to availability of parking for local residents."

Clarke expects the plan to get final approval at Council's meeting this Thursday.

His proposal originally was citywide, but he narrowed its scope to just the area around Temple University after objections from council members who represent other districts.  Clarke admits that developers are less than thrilled with the idea, but he says his goal is to alleviate the Temple parking issue once and for all.

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