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Temple Doctors Part Of Study To Help Emphysema Patients Breathe Better

By Lynne Adkins

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Local researchers are part of a worldwide study to help emphysema patients breathe better.

Temple University Hospital is trying to see if implanting small valves into the diseased lung will help improve the quality of life for emphysema patients. Dr. Gerard Criner, Chair of the Department of Medicine at Temple says when diseased lungs trap air it's hard for patients to breathe, putting small one-way valves into the lung will let the gas escape. Plus, it doesn't require surgery and it's reversible.

"If the valves don't work or there's a problem they can be removed, this technique is approved in Europe and in Israel and there have been about 6,000 patients that have been treated overseas with this technology."

Anyone interested in taking part should call 215-707-4821.

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