Susan B. Anthony's Angry Letter Goes On Sale For $15,000 In Philadelphia
A recently discovered letter by Susan B. Anthony shows the women's rights pioneer uncharacteristically going ballistic over the treatment of women.
KYW's Karin Phillips reports that in the 1905 letter, Susan B. Anthony refers to women as the "pets of society as long as they are not recognized for their own acccomplisments and have no voice in their own government."
And to be a pet, she goes on, is not to be an equal.
Nathan Raab is vice president of the Raab Collection of Philadelphia, which is selling the letter for $15,000:
"The tone is remarkable. Her language is caustic. And there is no love between Susan B. Anthony and this correspondent. We asked ourselves the question, what did this person possibly write her to elicit such a... I don't want to say angry, but such a livid response?"
The letter's recipient was trying to sell Anthony and her organization the autographs of great historical figures. There were no women on that list. Now, the estate of that autograph dealer is selling this remarkably emotional letter.