Survey Reveals More Than Half Of Employees Have Had Sex With A Colleague
By Chelsea Karnash
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Sex at work is no longer taboo.
At least that's what the results of a new survey reveal.
The survey, which was conducted by Business Insider, asked about 2,500 people various questions related to sex in the workplace.
Unsurprisingly, more than 90% of respondents said they had been sexually attracted to a coworker, and nearly 85% said they'd dreamed about having sex with a colleague.
While most people estimated that between 21 – 40% of their peers had had sex with someone they worked with, the actual number of people who answered that they had done so was much higher, at over 54%.
Still, some relationships remain off-limits. Nearly 65% of people thought managers should not be allowed to have sex with subordinates, and only 35% fessed up to having sex with a subordinate.
And the old stereotype of sex with the boss isn't exactly accurate either. Only 13% of survey respondents owned up to having sex with their boss.
But while sex between those at different levels on the corporate ladder remains somewhat off-limits, sex at the workplace isn't: Nearly 50% of survey respondents said they'd had sex at the office.
To see the whole survey, visit: