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Study: Up-Tempo Music During Exercise Provides Health Boost

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PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Working out to music can up your fitness, according to a study.

This research looked at cardiac stress tests as people who exercised to music were able to keep going longer.

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Scientists say up-tempo tunes can be especially helpful in pushing through the last few minutes of your workout.

"They gave everyone headphones and half the patients had no music on, and the other half had nice, up-tempo music," explained Dr. Haitham Ahmed of the Cleveland Clinic. "And they saw that the ones who got music were able to exercise for about a minute longer."

A minute might not sound like much, but over time, endurance builds up.

Experts say that one extra minute may help increase a person's likelihood of survival each year.

Doctors say fitness is one of the most important predictors of a person's long-term health .

The key to staying active is to find a way to make exercise fun.

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It doesn't matter what type of music you listen to, as long as it helps keep you motivated to keep moving.

And while music can certainly add fun to our daily workouts, it can also help serve as a distraction to keep pushing us forward.

"Basically, what it does, it alters your perception of fatigue," Dr. Ahmed said. "So, for example, if you're exercising, instead of focusing on how tired you are, and how short of breath you are, and how fast your heart is racing, when you're listening to music, it distracts you and you're thinking about other things."

Other studies have shown that listening to music while exercising can release feel-good chemicals in the brain that can boost your mood, dull pain and make you feel less tired.

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But there's an important reminder from doctors that it is best not to blast the music because that can damage your hearing.

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