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Study Suggests That Running Could Make You Smarter

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Running can appear pretty mindless. You can toss on your headphones and just kind of zone out, losing yourself in the scenery that you choose to run in.

Although it doesn't seem like an activity that works out the brain, new research suggests that running might actually make you smarter.

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The study appeared in 'Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.' Scientists from the University of Arizona took a group of college students who regularly ran long distances and a group that otherwise spent most of their time doing no physical activities.

The researchers used brain scanners to determine brain connectivity and they deemed that the runners have advantages in areas such as decision making and memory.

The study could not confirm that the running was what caused the advantages, but it suggested that it could play a role.

It seems like running could be more of a brain game than we thought.

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