Study: Stress Can Make Allergy Symptoms Worse
By Lynne Adkins
BRYN MAWR, Pa. (CBS) - A new study suggests that controlling your stress level could help your allergy symptoms.
Stress won't cause allergies but can make the symptoms worse according to a study in the April issue of the Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.
Dr. Albert Rohr, Chief of Allergy at Bryn Mawr Hospital says it makes sense the two would go hand in hand.
"If you had hives every day you'd be stressed and how much does the stress make the hives worse and how much does the hives aggravate your stress? The two kind of work together," he said, "kind of feed of each other if you will to exacerbate the condition."
He says controlling breathing may help with some asthma symptoms and some anti-anxiety medications control itching.