Stigall Show Log 9.26.14
6:00 Attorney General Eric Holder announced his resignation yesterday.
6:06 Meet The Press Host Chuck Todd said in an interview yesterday that Eric Holder did not act politically in his role as Attorney General.
6:37 Kathryn Knott, one of three suspects charged in the assault on a gay couple in Center City, was fired from her job at a hospital after it was learned she had posted patient x-rays on her Twitter account.
6:48 New York Yankees star Derek Jeter recorded a walk off game winning single in his final game at Yankee Stadium last night.
7:00 Chris talks to Chris Butler on Finance Friday about falling oil prices and why that may be a bad sign for the global economy.
7:22 Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane contends that a female employee at Rockview state prison was partly responsible for an attack on her.
7:50 Ezekial Emmanuel writes in the Atlantic about what should be expected from our later years.
8:00 Chris talks to Ray Didinger about whether NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell should resign after the Ray Rice scandal.
8:20 Chris talks to Penn Professor of Medicine and Jason Dr. Karlawish about his op-ed in the New York Times on aging.