Stigall Show Log 3.21.14
6:20 Chris talks to former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura about his new reality show called Off The Grid.
6:53 President Obama visited Ellen's show yesterday to discuss
6:54 A Taiwanese video mocks President Obama's NCAA Tournament picks.
7:00 On this week's Finance Friday, Chris talks to Economist Jim Rickards about the best way to sanction Russia for the incursion in Ukraine.
7:22 Attorney General Kathleen Kane is considering suing the Philadelphia Inquirer for their coverage of the investigation she called off into high profile Democrats.
7:29 Chaka Fattah Jr. is suing the IRS for damaging his reputation.
8:00 Chris talks to CBS 3's Beasley Reece about golf clubs starting fires and the first day of the NCAA Tournament.
8:20 Chris talks to reporter Sharyl Attkisson about leaving CBS and her future plans.