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Stigall Show Log 3.15.12

5:40 The NCAA Tournament starts today.

5:45 A Pennsylvania State Senator wants to legalize basketball tournament pools.

5:55 Mayor Nutter banned feeding the homeless outside.

6:10 The Eagles signed DeSean Jackson to a five year deal worth $51 million.

6:43 Rick Santorum currently has a wide lead over Mitt Romney in Pennsylvania.

6:47 The Pennsylvania House passed the Voter ID bill yesterday.

6:56 SEPTA issued a warning for users of cell phones near the doors on trains.

7:10 Chris talks to Gene Epstein about his Hire Just One plan.

7:40 Trenton City Government may run out of toilet paper by the end of the week.

8:10 Chris talks to Pennsylvania State Senator Lisa Boscola about her plan to legalize NCAA office pools.

8:40 Chris talks with Jason Mattera about his new book Hollywood Hypocrites.

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