Stigall Show Log 2.26.13
5:45 New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has not been invited to CPAC this year.
6:10 Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood insists sequester cuts will have severe effects if not dealt with before Friday.
6:15 Democrats remain in campaign mode in hopes of taking back the House of Representatives in 2014.
6:44 Argo won best picture at the OSCARs, but many held as hostages are still seeking justice.
6:57 Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker says the President needs to redraw the sequester cuts.
6:58 President Obama's sequestration strategy is to divide Republicans and conquer them.
7:13 New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg thinks his soda ban should be adopted state wide.
7:19 Crime is a major factor in many people's decision to move outside of Philadelphia.
7:21 The PPA is predicting less revenue through tickets, thus less money for city schools.
7:40 Chris talks to David Martosko from the Daily Caller to get an update on the FBI investigation on New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez.
8:10 Chris talks to former Director of the Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, about the upcoming sequester cuts.
8:41 The ratings for Sunday's Academy Awards were up over last year.
8:43 Former CHOP doctor and Surgeon General of the United States, C. Everett Koop, died yesterday at age 96.