Stigall Show Log 2.21.12.
5:50 Differences between Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney. If Romney believes all the same things as Santorum, why is it that Santorum is catching all the heat?
6:19 Fetus found in Kensington sewer pipe.
6:42 Rise in gas prices stirring up fears in American public. Gas prices are predicted to reach all time high of $5 per gallon by summer.
7:15 PA Liquor Control Board debates whether to modernize or privatize the liquor laws in the state.
7:43 Former Philadelphia Mayor, Ed Rendell, talks about the possible sale of Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News.
7:50 Several Society Hill residents have reported their brass door knockers have been stolen. Police are working hard to find suspects as all thefts have taken place throughout the night, still no leads.
8:12 Chris talks to Phelim McAleer about the film, Frack Nation, a documentary discussing how we can harvest natural gas worldwide.
8:45 Villanova University cancels event due to gay performance artist.