Stigall Show Log 11.4.11
5:41 Chris confesses he doesn't like hoagies. Even though he judged a Primo Hoagie contest yesterday.
6:10 Herman Cain's campaign pushed the idea that Rick Perry's campaign was behind the release of the sexual harassment story.
6:16 Herman Cain still leads the latest Rasmussen Republican Presidential Poll.
6:39 Men's Warehouse in Oakland CA, posted a sign in their window claiming solidarity with the Occupy Protesters.
6:54 Solyndra executives collected bonuses months before they filed for bankruptcy.
7:10 On Finance Friday, Chris talks to Steve Cordasco about the Greek Bailout, Groupon's IPO and the MF Global scandal.
7:27 City Councilman Darrell Clarke is urging stronger measures to control Philadelphia's raccoon population.
8:10 Chris talks to CBS 3's Beasley Reece to preview the Eagles vs. the Bears on Monday Night Football.
8:40 Jon Corzine has resigned as the head of MF Global, and rejected taking his severance of $12 Million.