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Stigall Show Log 10.15.14

6:00 White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says the President is proud of the accomplishments.

6:07 Registered voters in Pennsylvania are leaving their parties in favor of becoming independents.

6:53 An animal rights activist went on a teary rant in a restaurant in San Francisco against eating meat.

7:00 Ebola themed costumes are the prevailing trend for this Halloween.

7:01 Chris Brown thinks Ebola is a form of population control.

7:20 Chris talks to Mollie Hemingway from The Federalist about the infectious disease czar and her absence during the Ebola scare.

7:52 A St. Joe's theology professor says don't read too much into Catholic Bishop's statement welcoming gays and lesbians to the church.

8:00 Chris talks to Tom McGrath from Philadelphia Magazine about the race for Governor between Tom Corbett and Tom Wolf.

8:20 Chris talks with Father Francis Berna from LaSalle University about a letter from Catholic Bishops hoping to make the church appear more open and welcoming.

8:35 Chris welcomes the Piazza Pet of the Week into the studio. If you would like to adopt a pet, check out

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