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Stigall Show Log 1.16.13

5:41 President Obama and Vice-President Biden will unveil their plans today to reduce gun violence.

5:56 Mayor Michael Nutter has unveiled his 20 "Sandy Hook Principles" for investment.

6:11 The House of Representatives passed and additional $51 billion in Hurricane Sandy relief aid.

6:16 The bill passed despite some significant Republican opposition.

6:42 A man has admitted calling in a bomb hoax for a plane flying from Philadelphia to Dallas in September.

6:55 Mayor Michael Nutter and Police Chief Charles Ramsey were on the Piers Morgan Show last night participating in a discussion on gun violence.

6:57 Chris revisits Judge Andrew Napolitano's editorial, The Right to Shoot Tyrants, not Deer.

7:10 Chris talks to Larry Ward, the founder of Gun Appreciation Day.

8:10 Chris talks to Tom McGrath from the Philly Post about a website for college co-eds seeking sugar daddies.

8:40 Chris talks to Judge Andrew Napolitano about the 2nd Amendment and the President's effort to restrict gun ownership.

8:55 Chris welcomes the Piazza Pet of the Week, Sky, into the studio. If you are interested in adopting Sky, or another dog or cat, CLICK HERE.

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