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St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Excited To Host Pope Francis

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood is excited to be hosting the Pope twice during his visit to the area in September. The Vatican did not confirm that the Pope will be staying there but his itinerary for the trip suggests that he will.

The Pope will be going to the seminary Saturday afternoon, after saying mass at the Cathedral, and he'll be there the next morning, according to rector, Bishop Timothy Senior.

"He'll be meeting with all of the bishops who have come from all over the world to attend the World Meeting of Families so that encounter will be in St. Martin's chapel, down at the far end of the building," Senior said.

The archdiocese expects the Pope to stay at the Seminary during his visit since he normally stays with his host's archbishop and Archbishop Chaput resides at the seminary. Senior says it would be a great opportunity for his seminarians to be inspired, as he was, as a seminarian in 1979, when Pope John Paul II visited.

"God does have a plan for everyone in the world and meeting the Pope taps you into that, that there's something greater than yourself that God is calling you to."

Listen to the podcast (runs 4:16)

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