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Some Classrooms in Carneys Point, NJ School Get Anti-Mold Scrubbing

By David Madden


CARNEYS POINT, N.J. (CBS) -- A Salem County, NJ school has a mold problem, but officials say they won't have to shut down the building to address it.

Humid summer weather is believed to be responsible for the problem in 13 classrooms at the Field Street School in Carneys Point (below).


District superintendent Joseph Massare says independent tests confirmed by the county health department indicate that the mold, while serious, does not rise to unsafe levels.

"Nothng is allowing us to say, 'Close the entire school.'  It's not that type of infection or contaminant that would precipitate that decision on my behalf," Massare said today.

But some parents question that decision.  Nevertheless, the affected section of the school has been closed off and will be thoroughly cleaned on nights and weekends -- a process that officials say will take no more than two weeks.

Students and teachers who had been using affected classrooms are being relocated in other sections of the building until the work is completed.

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