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Skateboarding for Autistic Children

by KYW's Dr. Marciene Mattleman

Skateboarding keeps growing in popularity for both kids and adults. For John Pike, 41, and skating for 30 years, it's not just fun, it's important.

John's 7-year-old son Gianni has autism. As explained in everyday terms on, "It's like a switch that has flipped in the brain and the child is not able to develop or communicate in a traditional way."

One out of 70 boys and 1 out of 101 children is diagnosed with autism, making it more common than childhood cancer, juvenile diabetes and pediatric AIDS combined. It's a problem that's increasing without anyone knowing the cause or cure.

Pike will tell you that because autistic children are not social creatures, skateboarding is a good activity not needing a team or a coach. The feel and sounds of a skateboard seem to be calming and many kids just sit down and cruise that way.

The A.Skate Foundation has established clinics in every state giving autistic kids a chance to try the experience.

For those with children or friends with autism, learn more about the Foundation.

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