Two SJ Towns Say Planned Utility Relocation Stinks
By David Madden
HAMMONTON, N.J., (CBS) -- A plan to move corporate offices for South Jersey Gas into Atlantic City is not sitting well with officials in the towns the utility now calls home.
Hammonton and neighboring Folsom Borough could lose some 200 jobs with the planned relocation. But what has Hammonton Mayor Steve DiDonato steamed is the fact that $60 million in state and county tax incentives are involved in taking the business from western Atlantic County to eastern Atlantic County.
And he blames Trenton politicians.
"This goes up to (State Senate President Steve) Sweeney, (South Jersey Democratic Party boss George) Norcross, (New Jersey Governor Chris) Christie," DiDonato told KYW Newsradio. "I mean, it's just a misuse of money and it's Republicans and Democrats misusing our tax dollars."
The two towns will hold a joint meeting Thursday evening to voice their displeasure. They've also formed what they call the Western Atlantic Coalition, hoping to convince other towns to fight increased pressure to help Atlantic City at their expense.
DiDonato is also getting the word out to constituents. "Let them know the downside to possibly the slower service if there's a storm with their call center set on a barrier island," he said, "and let them know that possibly their rates could go up if South Jersey Gas makes a bad move and has to adjust."
The utility did not return our calls seeking comment.