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Sinkholes In Residential Streets Have Neighbors Concerned In Kensington

By Syma Chowdhry

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Folks in Kensington have noticed a couple of holes in their streets.

Joseph Oldham said, "I see a sinkhole, not a pothole, a sinkhole."

Marge Gillmore has lived in Kensington her whole life and has never seen the streets in such bad shape. "On a scale of 1 to 10, a 12," she said.

Gilmore hurt herself two weeks ago after falling in this sinkhole on the 3400 block of Keim Street.

"It was dark, I didn't even see it. I just fell in it and I hear myself scream and next thing I know, I'm in the hole."

Gillmore says she is getting physical therapy from the fall - and plans on suing the city.

"Just some peace of mind knowing that is going to get fixed."

Neighbors say the hole has been there for about a month and a half -- and has been getting bigger.

Oldham called the city, "Let them know it's getting worse and worse and worse and no response."

He blew out a tire and scraped his car driving over it.  "The hole started off probably about that big and now I can fit in it."

He recently took a picture of himself standing in the hole on a crate and a box, leaving him to believe the hole is about 8 feet deep.

Neighbors say they've been calling and emailing the city.

Oldham even sent the picture.  "Figured that would get my point across to the streets department."

Just two blocks away on Crystal Street - is another sinkhole that has folks on edge.

Neighbor Elsa Millan said, "It's very, very dangerous."

"We had one lady break her leg, we had a couple of children get injured," Oldham added.

Neighbors say the hole has been getting deeper over the past few weeks.

They have also noticed crack around it, making them feel like the street could soon cave in.

Oldham explained, "Losing faith in Philadelphia streets departments. I really am. It's a nuisance but also a hazard.

Officials from the Philadelphia Streets Department sent Eyewitness News this statement:

"The Streets Department is investigating both locations. The Streets Department received no prior complaint calls concerning 3460 Crystal St.  The cave-in at 3426 Kiem St. appears to be associated with a reported private plumber's ditch.  The Streets Department will work with the Water Department to determine the probable cause of both defects.  Both locations will be barricaded in the interim."

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