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Sinister Mopar to host car show with a cause at Clementon Lake Park in South Jersey

CLEMENTON, N.J. (CBS) -- Car lovers from around the Philly region will converge on Clementon Lake Park on Sunday for a car show with a cause. It doesn't take much to get the members of Sinister Mopar revved up about their car club.  

"I love it man! I got some ground effects," Christopher Allen, a Sinister Mopar member, said.  

"Some kids really like hearing engines rev. A lot of the kids really like the lights," Frank Santiago, another Sinister Mopar member, said. 

"We're blessed to have beautiful cars like this, so giving back to the community is the number one priority for most of the members of our club," Charles Warren, a Sinister Mopar member, said. 

"We chose to do food, because you got to eat," Santiago said. 

Last year, Sinister Mopar held a combination car-show food-drive at Clementon Lake Park. Afterward, they called Dave Cornwell, a car enthusiast himself, and director of Friends of Clementon Food Pantry.

"They came to me and said they had a massive amount of food they wanted to give to me," Cornwell said. "So I said, 'Oh OK, we'll take it!' And they said, 'No, you don't understand. It's a huge amount of food."

As in, six tons! It was a godsend to the pantry, which distributes food to nearly 600 households, totaling more than 5,000 people. The pantry collaborates with nonprofit Collecting For a Cause. 

"Dave and I partner together to do events bring in food for him, and raise awareness for what's going on locally," Mary Warren, the founder of Collecting for a Cause, said. "Because a lot of people don't realize that people in your backyard are homeless or need assistance."  

Sinister Mopar will once again be collecting food during their car show at Clementon Lake Park, Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. They hope to double the amount of food they got last year. 

"I'm real excited for it," Allen said. "I think it's going to be even bigger than last year. It's going to be a big success, and I can't wait." 

There's no charge to attend the Clementon Car Show Sunday. It's part of a community day at Clementon Lake Park.

Click here to find out more info about the event.

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