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Should PA Attorney General Be An Elected Position? Local Expert Says Yes

HARRISBURG, PA (CBS) -- Despite the conviction of former Attorney General Kathleen Kane on perjury and other charges this past week, a prominent Pennsylvania law professor still thinks it's better that the Attorney General be an independent, elected official rather than a gubernatorial appointee.

Pennsylvania's Attorney General didn't become an elected official until 1980. A problematic AG appointed by a governor might be considerably easier to remove.

But St. Vincent College law professor Bruce Antkowiak said an appointed Attorney General is not in a position to call out a rogue governor, he believes that makes an elected AG more valuable.

"We've elected district attorneys in Pennsylvania forever, and in the main, those people are individuals who do respect that important, ethical core of the prosecutor function."

But Antkowiak said hopefully, the case of Kathleen Kane will call into focus the need for voters to carefully scrutinize elected prosecutors for integrity.

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