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Scientists: Plastic-Eating Fungi Could Be Key To Saving Environment

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RICHMOND, England (CBS) — Scientists in Britain say fungi could be the key to winning the war on plastic. The first-ever State Of The World's Fungi report details a comprehensive insight into how plastic can be used in the world.

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Researchers say if the natural properties of fungus can be harnessed and developed, plastic could be broken down naturally in weeks rather than years.

More than 100 researchers from 18 countries compiled the world study that shows how organisms decompose plastic, clean up radioactive waste and even accelerate production of biodiesel.

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Those researchers discovered that fungi are one of the "most radiation-resistant organisms on Earth" and are studying its ability to survive highly dangerous unstable environments.

Fungi have provided food and medicine for centuries, but researchers say the curious organisms may now also help solve the plastic problem.

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