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Runner Profile: Lisa Semple

Lisa Semple
Cherry Hill, NJ

Favorite kicks: Saucony Ride

Pre-race ritual: Running is a mental sport, as well as physical. It's important to stay calm and positive. Before a race, I will imagine a good outcome – that my body feels good and I am enjoying the experience with friends. I will envision seeing my goal time on the clock as I cross the finish line. You need to believe you can be successful to have a good race.

Pre-race snack: Peanut butter and bananas on rice cakes

Tips for new runners: Keep with it... running gets easier with each step. You may not enjoy it at first, but over time it can become a passion.

Why she runs: Running is addictive. There is no doubt that when I hit the road, I can achieve a "runner's high." Around a mile or two into my run, my mind starts to drift off and I'm at peace and free of the days' worries and concerns. It is great therapy. It keeps me sane. It is my healthy addiction.

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