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Report: The Arts Adds Millions to Philly Economy

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Mayor Michael Nutter today released a report on what's called "the creative economy," detailing how local cultural groups contribute to the city's financial health.

But sports was clearly on the mayor's mind.

The mayor unveiled a new study titled "Creative Vitality in Philadelphia," which measures the city's economic strength in the creative sector, the arts, and cultural groups and institutions.

He started off, though, talking about a different type of creativity: the Eagles' miraculous win over the Giants (see related story).

"Between Michael Vick, DeSean Jackson, Jeremy Maclin, and the entire Eagles team," Nutter said on Monday, "that was poetry in motion."

Then Nutter turned to baseball, pointing out that pitcher Cliff Lee and his wife chose to come to Philadelphia in part because of its cultural offerings for their family.

The report, by the way, claimed that the city is ahead of the national average in the economic return of its creative sector -- based on sales, revenue, and job figures.

The city hosts 18,000 "creative" jobs, according to the study, generating $700 million annually in wages.

Reported by KYW City Hall Bureau Chief Mike Dunn.

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