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Rendell In Hot Water For Speaking To Exile Group Designated Terrorist Organization

By Pat Loeb

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell has made his living giving speeches, since he left office. Now, some of those speeches may have gotten him in trouble with the federal government. Investigators have subpoenaed records about his speeches on behalf of a group designated as a terrorist organization.

Last July, Rendell was invited to speak at an event organized by Mujahadin-e Kalq (MEK), an Iranian exile group that is trying to get off the State Department's list of terrorist organizations.

He says his research convinced him, not only was their cause just, but he'd be joining a long list of public figures supporting MEK, including former military, law enforcement and intelligence officials.

"Sure, we were paid for speaking fees but let me tell you, I care very much about my reputation for integrity and I wouldn't take half a million dollars for a cause I didn't believe in."

Rendell says he stayed within the confines of the law that prohibits Americans from conducting transactions with terrorist organizations. He says records about the speaking engagements were subpoenaed but he is mystified as to why.

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