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Protesters Urge Sen. Toomey Not To Vote In Favor Of DeVos For Education Secretary

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- People from across the Delaware Valley rallied in Center City Philadelphia, as they took a stand against President Trump's pick for Secretary of Education.

Monday morning about 20 protesters marched from City Hall to Senator Pat Toomey's office a few blocks away, asking him to vote no on Tuesday at the Senate confirmation of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education.

"He has a real political opportunity here to listen to his constituents over his billionaire donors. He has an opportunity to hear our voices and to do what's best for the children of Pennsylvania."

Alison Kruck says for weeks she contacted Senator Toomey's office via phone calls, letters and faxes, but received no reply.

Last Thursday she went to his office to meet, but was turned away.

So after being told she would be granted entrance to his office today, she got to work getting feedback from other Pennsylvanians who do not want DeVos as Education Secretary.

"We gathered over 500 letters, 11,000 signatures of Pennsylvanians who are opposed to DeVos. Nine hundred of which who are educators."

Kruck Says even though Senator Toomey was not there to personally accept the letters, or meet with her, she wants him to know that a vote for DeVos goes against his constituents wishes and is bad for school children in Pennsylvania.

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